Alle foto's zijn (c) François De Heel.

Dertien jaar geleden besloot ik free-lance fotograaf te worden, na een vorig leven als manager. Gaandeweg geraakte ik bezeten van de goesting om portretten te maken. Mijn bedoeling met dit project was aanvankelijk mijn Borgerhoutse buren in beeld te brengen, elk met hun groot of klein verhaal. Inmiddels maak ik portretten in opdracht van diverse tijdschriften (Psychologies Magazine, Vacature, OKRA Magazine, De Nieuwe Antwerpenaar etc). Soms staat er een BV voor mijn lens, maar vaker gaat het om mensen die zelden of nooit de pers halen, maar wèl een verhaal te vertellen hebben.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

In the beginning

It started with the idea of making 2 minute portraits of people in my city, Antwerp (Belgium). Why? Because I am a photographer, and I wanted to update and upgrade my portfolio. And I wished to experiment with strobes and stuff (strobist). Manno, my best friend, had a look at some of the results I put on flickr and suggested I needed a story to tie it all together. So, instead of kindly coercing people here and there & everywhere into being a one-minute model for me, I start on this not-too-systematic journey through my neighbourhood. 

And where else to begin than with my three children : Arthur (11 - 'Do I really need to be in this picture ?!'), Elijah (6 - 'Come on, join us !') & Velma (almost 10 - 'Guys !!'). Picture taken in the Kroonstraat (Borgerhout, Antwerpen, Belgium), returning from the market last saturday. Deliberate misuse of on-camera strobe, zoomed at 105mm, while my lens was at 17mm.
Any resemblance to Michelangelo's 'The Creation of Adam' could be (un)intentional.

More adventures to follow.

wander  1 go from place to place without any special purpose or destination  2 leave the right path or direction  3 be absent-minded; allow the thoughts to go from subject to subject
wanderings  1 long travels; journeys  2 confused speech during illness

One of my favorites: Magnum photographer Raymond Depardon & his book "Errance"

Of in't Nederlands : de Swa is weer vertrokken. Yihaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very good start!!! Manno