Alle foto's zijn (c) François De Heel.

Dertien jaar geleden besloot ik free-lance fotograaf te worden, na een vorig leven als manager. Gaandeweg geraakte ik bezeten van de goesting om portretten te maken. Mijn bedoeling met dit project was aanvankelijk mijn Borgerhoutse buren in beeld te brengen, elk met hun groot of klein verhaal. Inmiddels maak ik portretten in opdracht van diverse tijdschriften (Psychologies Magazine, Vacature, OKRA Magazine, De Nieuwe Antwerpenaar etc). Soms staat er een BV voor mijn lens, maar vaker gaat het om mensen die zelden of nooit de pers halen, maar wèl een verhaal te vertellen hebben.

Alle commentaar is overigens welkom. Onder elk bericht vind je 'COMMENTS' - klik daarop en je kunt een berichtje nalaten.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lisa and her gang

First of all : I am not allowed to title this post "Lisa and her gang". So I shall call it "Lisa and her Seven Johnny & Marina's". Late one friday night, Lisa and her gang were getting dressed up for a party at Café d'Anvers. The rumour spread through our house (Lisa is Brit's youngest daughter), and, although we had a guest, I quickly set up a studio & light in our living room (thank you Brit, sorry Ann - or vice versa). The shoot took about 30 minutes. This picture is the result. And no, of course they do not look & behave like this in real life. They just act as "Johnny & Marina's" here. Let's all agree on that.

The picture is by the way composed of six different photos - all made before a black background and lighted with one Elinchrom 600 through a white shoot-through umbrella (camera right, high, 45°, flagged right & under). Triggered by sync cord. One big golden reflection screen camera left. For those who can reverse engineer light : there is one deliberate "mistake" in the picture. Find it and you get rewarded.

The composite picture is inspired by Annie Leibowitz and her group portraits of e.g. "The Soprano's". Saw the documentary on her life and work recently. Fascinating!
Only recently did I discover that these were composite pictures. Read it in my favourite magazine, "The New Yorker", in an interview with PhotoShop wizard Pascal Dangin. I also love The New Yorker's star photographer Platon

PS : anyone who can give me a good link to a decent site on Annie Leibowitz gets rewarded aswell.

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